Baby Diva looks quizzically at me, “Babagagadadamama…da.” Yes, well, fascinating. Perhaps you want a hug? or this toy?
More emphatically, “BABAGAGAdadamama….da.” You make a good point kiddo, unfortunately I do not know what it is. Are you wet? You just ate, so you aren’t hungry.
Now she is starting to get frustrated: “BABAGAGA WAHHH WAHHH.” What does she want? Wouldn’t it be great if she could just tell me?
This exactly the sort of scenario that creates the market for baby signing DVDs. These companies want parents to know that baby can communicate through sign language before he or she is ready for complex speech.
And what do you know? They are right! I’ve personally seen dozens of babies, just a month or two older than Baby Diva, signing to express themselves. Having seen baby signs in action, my next question was whether or not teaching Baby Diva to sign would benefit our family.
According to the latest research signing seems to actually accelerate and enhance speaking and learning! Not only that, but signing has been known to head off toddler tantrums. Because your tot can tell you what he wants, he doesn’t need to throw a fit. That alone is worth it.
Now, I know some Spanish, and a little Russian, an I’ve occasionally been complimented on my English, as well, but no sign language. I have a book, which is a helpful reference, but doesn’t allow me and Baby Diva to see the signs in action.
So, off to buy a baby signing video…and oh my goodness! Who knew there were so many! Well, Baby Diva tested all of the likely contenders and here are her picks.
We reviewed Baby Signing Time, Baby Einstein – My First Signs, and My Baby Can Talk – First Signs. We also watched Baby See N Sign Vol 1, but we did not find it as exciting as the other three.
Let me begin by saying that Baby Diva was mesmerized by all of these videos designed to teach baby to sign. Then again, she very rarely gets to see the box on, so the novelty factor was strong. Being a more experienced video-viewer, I am a little pickier. Overall, however, I was impressed by the quality of these videos.
Baby Signing Time – Mamanista’s PICK!
Baby Diva’s reaction: giggling, waving, attempting to clap and comically missing the other hand, smiling and laughing when I make the signs
Mama Luxe’s reaction: To be upfront, Rachel Coleman is perkier than Super Dad’s coffee, but babies seem to like that stuff. Her signing is the clearest of any of the video hosts we watched and she uses a special technique, wrapping her fingers in colored tape, to make them even clearer. I like that the vast majority of the video is adults, children, and babies interacting. There are also cartoon shorts sprinkled throughout. In thematic sections, signs are introduced, demonstrated, illustrated, repeated, and then eventually combined.
Coleman’s original songs give this video an edge–the perfect audio and visual learning experience for parents and babies who are signing beginners.
And, if you enjoy Baby Signing Time 1, there is a volume 2, an entire series for children, and plenty of other written materials, CDs, and more.
Coleman’s story is incredibly compelling; I recommend visiting the website even just to read about her and her family!
Signing Time is so confident in their product, they offer free sample clips on their website. Their website is also a great resource with forums, crafts, and activity guides.
Just the Facts: Signs include: Eat, Drink, Cracker, Water, Cereal, Milk, Banana, Juice, Finished, Mom, Grandma, Dad, Grandpa, Diaper, Potty, More, Bird, Fish, Cat, Dog, Horse, Frog, Hurt, Where, Baby
Bonus materials include: information and tips on teaching your baby to sign, a sneak preview of Vol. 2, and Rachel signing the theme song
Run time: 30 minutes + special features
Available: Direct from Signing Time: $19.99; From $19.99
Baby Einstein – My First Signs
Baby Diva’s Reaction: staring, and more staring
Mama Luxe’s reaction: I am aware that this makes me a heretic in the parenting world, but I just don’t like most of the Baby Einstein series. However, this video is better than the others I have seen. The video still has the puppets, including an adorable family of cat-like creatures, but far fewer segments focused on the toys. The hostess is the accomplished actress, Marlee Matlin, and she is warm and pleasant in this video.
Baby Einstein seems to have learned from the critiques of its Language Nursery–First Signs teaches actual signs connected with corresponding images, rather than providing a random, impressionistic introduction. There are lots of smiling babies and adults interacting and some artwork. As with all of the videos I reviewed, adults, toddlers, and older kids demonstrate the signs.
Overall, this is a fine introduction to signing with baby that Baby Diva and I enjoyed watching together.
Just the Facts: Signs include: Baby, Daddy, Mommy, Kiss, I Love You, Milk, Cereal, Eat, More, Play, Help, Friend, Ball, I Love You, Stop, Go, Sleep, Bath, Story, Blanket, Please, Thank You;
Bonus material includes: Discovery Cards (Opposites: Movie Flashcards): Boy, Girl, Happy, Sad, Clean, Dirty, Up, Down, Hot, Cold, In, Out; Sign With Me (Flash Cards): Signs in the DVD; Signing with Baby (Basic Signs): Yes, No, Good, Bad, Water, Want, Share, Potty, Hurt, Sorry, Hug, Love; Puppet Shows; Toy Chest
Run Time: 27 minutes + special features
Baby Einstein – My First Signs: $15.99 at
My Baby Can Talk – First Signs
Baby Diva’s reaction: Stared for a while, then eventually got distracted
Mama Luxe’s reaction: A decent, if somewhat uneven video. If I hadn’t seen the previous two, I would be very happy with this one. As with most of the videos, there are lots of nice images and smiling babies and kids. There is also a second video in this series.
Although the video says it is for 10-36 months in the tutorial, I think this video is aimed older than the others I viewed. As fun as it is to learn the sign for giraffe, I think Baby Diva is more interested in milk right now.
Other features toddlers and pre-schoolers might appreciate: a young child explains when you use the signs and/or why these are the signs “please helps you get cereal” or “like smelling a flower.” I did like that the video combines some signs, such as “please, apples, thank you”: “Please helps you get apples…Thank you helps you get apples next time.”
There are some fun mini-skits and rhymes (“Socks that are little, socks that are big, socks on a bear, socks on a pig”). True, the “raps” do not have the highest production values, but a baby won’t care. The video also has some fascinating information for adults about sign language, such as how the signs were created, but nothing you can’t find on the Internet should you be interested.
Just the Facts: Signs include: Monkey, Cereal, Please, Thank You, Flower, Hat, Baby, Ball, Boat, Share, Giraffe, Apple, Help, Mommy, Socks, Balloon, Bath, Airplane, Cracker, Lion, Shirt, Tree, Daddy, Elephant, Diaper, Train, Sleep, All Done
Run time: 45 minutes including parent tutorial
My Baby Can Talk – First Signs: $14.99 from