Don’t step on a crack and break your mama’s back on Friday the 13th…visit these sites instead:
Confession is good for the soul (True Mom Confessions – NEW SITE!)
Laugh and the World Laughs With You…or flames you, whichever (MetroDad)
Baby’s Tax Return: this guy never fails to crack us up (Babby Daddy)
The Boy is growing up and going to childcare: visit Ms. T and cheer her up with some comment love (Boob Juice Factory)
WAHM guilt: Once again, Vicky says what Mama Luxe is thinking (The Mummy Chronicles)
City Mama’s Blog is this many: and she celebrates by giving us some pearls of wisdom wrapped up all purty (City Mama)
Jennifer weighs in on “The Feminine Mistake” (The Lactivist)
Ms. T’s Boy is ready for Fear Factor: So is Baby Diva! (Boob Juice Factory)
Busy Mom wants your advice on tween dating: Mama Luxe is going into shock just writing the phrase (Busy Mom)
Clutter makes you fat: So THAT’S why Mama Luxe can’t lose those ten pounds! Don’t tell Super Dad (Clever Parents)
Mama Luxe mourns the passing of an era: Yes, I just linked to myself. Is that allowed?
Mamanista appreciates link love–so please blogroll, link, comment, digg, delicious, bookmark, and generally do your thang.