Bath Time! is a fun Boynton romp through tubby time.
We enjoy bath time a lot and Baby Diva always insists on a book or two while we suds her up. Bath books are perfect first books and Bath Time! is waterproof, nontoxic, and completely baby-safe!
My favorite illustration is the first page. Our hero, an adorably messy pig who has been busy painting (mostly himself), is notified that “It’s time to take a bath today!” He has such a sweet look of surprised on his paint-splattered face.
After some playing and scrubbing, bath time is all done: “Gently scrub from top to toes. Now I kiss you on the nose. All clean! (Squeak squeak!)” The final page has a squeaker in the snout of our squeaky clean piggy friend.
Sandra Boynton’s bright, silly illustrations and rollicking, frolicking rhymes are always a favorite with baby.
Bath Time! ($7.95) is available at Amazon and other book retailers.