Ah! Spring is in the air! It is that time of the year when a young child’s thoughts turn to…soccer! football! volleyball!
Fair Trade Sports manufactures and sells children’s, training, and professional level sports balls certified to be made by fair-wage adult labor. As an added bonus, the gear is eco-certified and vegan.
Although I never took to sports, my husband is athletic and my little girl is already enjoying soccer. Sports teach discipline, teamwork, and coordination and keep children healthy. We have a small Fair Trade Sports soccer ball for baby to kick around with her friends.
For teens and adults in need of a training quality soccer ball, I love the “Right to Education” Soccer Ball ($29.99). The phrase is printed in nine language, overlaid on a global map.
Children have a right to be children–to play, learn, and explore. There is something dreadfully wrong children forced to work in unhealthy conditions, and it is even more disturbing to think that less economically privileged children might be making toys for children in more developed countries. Every kid has a right to a childhood.
WANT IT: Fair Trade Sports balls are available directly through Fair Trade Sports, at Whole Foods Markets and the Gaiam catalog.