Toddlers have remarkable imaginations. Mine will stick two blocks together and proudly proclaim it a “kitty cat…with shoes!” So, we favor open-ended toys that allow her to explore her own creativity.
If you are looking for something a cleaner and less pointy than two sticks and some rocks, then building blocks are a classic for good reason. The new Playskool Clipo Blocks are perfect for toddler and preschooler hands.
First, there’s the fun of spilling out all the brightly-colored blocks onto the floor. And there’s no end of what structures, accessories, or creatures you can build with this toy. You can also buy specialty packs for making figures or vehicles. Find out more about what you can make with Clipo Blocks.
There are no sharp edges on these bubble blocks and my two year old has no problem fitting them together and taking them apart. These blocks are also BPA-free and phthalate-free, just in case a younger child thinks they look tasty.
And when play time is over, all the blocks fit neatly into the bucket or carrying case, making clean-up almost as much fun as making a mess.
WANT IT: Buy Playskool Clipo Blocks at Amazon ($13-35).