Babyproofing experts recommend putting a faucet cover over the bathtub spout to protect your baby’s head from bumps and burns.
When baby got too big to bathe in the sink, I bought the original Boon Flo
spout cover ($14.99). There were cheaper options, but I picked the Boon Flo because it easily accomodated the shower pull and looked more grown up than the popular Elmo and cartoon character faucet covers. With its spring grip, the Flo was easy to attach and remove from my faucet. And the soft rubbery material provides enough cushioning to protect baby from bumps despite his fascination with the faucet. I’ve also found it easy to clean the Flo. We’ve been using it for several months, and it still looks brand new.
I own the Flo in the original green color, but Boon is releasing a new PINK version of the Flo. To celebrate the product launch, Boon’s giving away a pink Boon Flo and the new Boon Lady Bug Pod.
The Lady Bug Pod is the sister product to the best-selling Boon Frog Pod, which parents use to store and organize bath toys and accessories. The Bug Pod is perfect for all ladybug lovers and for girly girls who just love anything pink. Moms and Dads will appreciate how easy it is to clean up after bathtime and how nice it is to take a shower without stepping on baby’s rubber duckie.
Want It:
The Pink Boon Flo and Pink Boon Lady Bug Pod are available exclusively at Babies R Us. The Flo is $14.99 and the Lady Bug Pod is $24.99. Shop for Baby Bath & Potty Products at
Win It:
For a chance to win the Pink Boon Flo and the new Boon Bug Pod, leave a comment on this post by 11:59pm Eastern on February 9, 2009 telling us your favorite Boon product or favorite bath product.