Vat19 has all types of unusual and cool products, and I’ve often perused their site looking for unique gifts. For Mother’s Day, they sent me one of their newest products- the Cool Touch Oven Rack Guard.
I’m a bit clumsy when I’m in a hurry, so I’ve burned my hand and wrist several times taking things out of the oven. The Cool Touch Oven Rack Guard is 18 inches long, and it snaps onto the front of your oven rack. It’s made from the same material (Nomex) used to protect firefighters, and it keeps the edge of your rack cool to the touch. The Rack Guards are machine-washable, so you can throw them in the laundry if you spill food on them.
I snapped them onto my oven rack and tested them the last time I made cookies. Not wanting to hurt myself, I gingerly touched the rack guard with the tip of my finger. I could feel the heat, but I didn’t burn myself. These rack guards are no substitute for pot-holders, but they will help protect you if you accidentally bump against the edge of the oven rack while removing a hot dish from the oven.
You can try them for $19.95 at or give a set to an accident-prone friend.