My daughter has a new BFF who enjoys the same things she does and looks a lot like her–except her new friend is a lot quieter! And she’s a total doll!
My daughter and I have a lot in common but she is more girly than I ever was. So, I have learned to navigate the world of tutus and dolls and all things pink.
We had a lot of fun together making the My BFF Doll from MyTwinn. The process is quick and intuitive–with six face shape options, four skin tone options, nine eye color options, 12 hair style options, five hair color options, and 10 clothing options.
The little butterflies and birds that help you design are quite adorable.’
Maybe I do not quite understand the joy she takes in her doll but I can certainly recognize the quality! My BFF dolls are made one at a time and skilled artisans hand paint the eyebrows, cheeks, lips and freckles.
My daughter loves this doll so much that she has given her the place of honor in the doll bed and takes the doll along with her on errands.
What makes My BFF dolls stand out in her collection is that these 23 inch dolls have 18 joints. So, her BFF can have dance recital and gymnastics lessons and sit down for a snack and stand and wait for the school bus.
As my daughter plays, I learn a lot about her day and how she feels about the relationships and events in her life. Any anxieties are rehearsed and upsetting experiences are resolved. And if something makes her happy, she enjoys reliving it through doll play.
Even this former tomboy has to admit that is pretty neat!
WANT IT: My BFF dolls ($149) are available at