Trying to stay cool this summer while still spending plenty of time outdoors? Check out this list of ways to beat the heat with your kids. Hint: most of them include water!

- Popsicles! Kids LOVE popsicles, and they’re a great way to cool down in the summer. However, many of the popsicles available from the store are laden with food dyes and tons of sugar. I love to blend up a smoothie and pour it into popsicle molds to freeze. You can create any combination of fruit, juice or coconut water, and even veggies like spinach!
- Water play! No pool? No problem! You don’t even have to have a fancy water table. Take a shallow tub, bucket, or whatever type of container you have outside and get ready for endless fun. You can add ice cubes, toys, water squirters, soap… the options are limitless! Of course, any container of water requires close adult supervision for safety.
- Have a car wash! A bucket of soapy water and a hose are all you need to keep your kids busy AND cool. You can put them to work washing the car, or let them “drive through” and wash their scooters, bicycles, and other ride-on toys.
- Water fight! If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of filling up water balloons and the ensuing mess all over the yard, grab some (clean) sponges and a bucket of water for endless water fights.
- Find a local swimming hole! Google swimming holes in your area, pack a picnic, and set off for an afternoon exploring nature while staying cool in the water. Don’t forget sun protection, life jackets, and plenty of water to stay hydrated!
- Check out a nearby splash pad! If any of your local parks have a splash pad, this can be a great way for the whole family to have fun and stay nice and cool!
- Outdoor kitchen! Use a container or bucket of water for a makeshift “sink” and let the kids make soup, potions, wash dishes, etc. Let them get creative with “ingredients” for their creations using wildflowers, grass, sticks, rocks, etc.
- Make a dino dig! Freeze small toys like plastic dinosaurs in an ice tray or small cups, and then let your kids “excavate” the toys using whatever tools they have!
- Ice painting! Fill ice cube trays with water and different food colouring, and use the frozen cubes to “paint” on paper. The creativity will flow as they use their imagination and stay cool.
What are your favorite ways to beat the heat in the summer? Share them with us below so we can add them to our list!