Among all the hustle and bustle of the season which is somehow upon us once again, there can arise a certain desire to slow things down and appreciate the small things. You may find yourself yearning for the Christmases of old, for the simplicity of how things were before social media and influencers and targeted ads. If you’re looking to reject the idea that we need to do more and buy more and have more in order to have a magical Christmas this year, check out these tips for a nostalgic Christmas, with crafts, activities, and recipes that will remind you of the magical Christmases of your youth.

- Paper Chain Countdown – I remember making these every year as a kid, and creating a different holiday icon for the topper each time. Ripping off another chain each morning and watching the days shrink away was such a fun way to anticipate Christmas Day!
- Classic Christmas Cookies – You can’t have Christmas without cookies. This soft, chewy, simple sugar cookie recipe is perfect for decorating and enjoying with family and friends.
- Handmade Stamped Wrapping Paper – You can use rubber stamps, carve your own, OR use Christmas cookie cutters dipped in paint to create unique, customized wrapping paper.
- Easy Chocolate Fudge – Whether you like it with or without nuts, fudge is a Christmas staple. My grandma always makes different kinds of Christmas candy and would mail us a box full of tins of cookies, fudge, and more each year, so fudge always brings back memories of that for me.
- Dried Orange Garland – These just scream vintage, old fashioned Christmas for me. They’re cheap, fun to make, and smell great!
- Popcorn and Cranberry Garland – Add some charm to your Christmas tree this year with this DIY garland.
- Homemade Hot Cocoa – A combination of cocoa powder and chocolate chips make this hot chocolate extra flavorful and delicious!
- Paper Sack Snowflakes – I made some of these several years ago and then at the end of the season I simply folded them back up and was able to reuse them. I love the look that these add to my decor!
- Cinnamon Ornaments – If you’ve never made cinnamon ornaments, they’re super easy, smell amazing, and last pretty much for forever.
- Handprint Reindeer Crafts – These Christmas handprint crafts are perfect for popping on a Christmas card, making gift tags with, or simply making a lovely piece of keepsake art.
What are some traditional Christmas activities or decor you like to use? Share with us how you’ll be incorporating some of these tips for a nostalgic Christmas for your family this year.