Educating our youth is one of the most powerful tools we have at hand. Education has been proven to increase longevity, promote healthy lifestyles, bring positive change to career fields and society and have an endless number of further benefits.
Stunningly in the United States, a young person drops out of high school every 26 seconds.
What can you do to help? In addition to constantly showing your support for education within your family and your community, you can show support for P & G GIVE, which has Communities in Schools, a program that is the leader in high school drop out prevention across the nation. They offer one-on-one mentor relationships in order to get kids on track and show them that it is possible to overcome learning and environmental obstacles to obtain a high school degree.
Simply liking the GIVE Education Facebook page will cause $1 to be donated to the Communities in Schools project. On this page you can read stories from potential drop outs and how this program helped to turn their life around.
You can see the high school drop out rate nationwide: (just click on the map to scroll over and see drop out rates for different states)
The best part about this nationwide crisis is that it doesn’t take politicians or Washington, DC or a grassroots movement to fix it. All we need to do is exert positive influence and be efficient about supporting our youth and educational systems.