Reading, Writing and Arithmetic are important, but so is character education. As your children head back to school, you’ll want to talk to them about what it means to be a good friend and how to deal with bullying. Books are the best way to introduce and discuss difficult concepts like bullying or fitting in at school. One of my favorite authors is Trudy Ludwig, and I’ve recommended her books “My Secret Bully” and “Just Kidding” before on Mamanista. Please join me for a Live Chat with Trudy tonight at 7pm!
Prehistoric Anamalz
The poseable wooden and cloth animal figurines from Anamalz captivate my children for hours. We’ve enjoyed our lion and crocodile and were thrilled when Anamalz sent us two creatures from their new prehistoric line…
Rockin’ Kids: Nordic Rocker from Guidecraft
Children need special nooks to call their own–an appropriately-sized, comfortable spot for playing and learning. Emerging readers especially appreciate a child-proportioned reading chair.
The Nordic Rocker is a great reading chair for the classroom or the home.
Learn to Bike with Kazam Balance Bikes
I’m not particularly athletic or coordinated, and I remember having a hard time learning to bike as a kid. A few painful falls frightened me a bit, and I used training wheels for what seemed like an eternity. I wish balance bikes had been popular when I was a child because I’ve seen how easily my son is learning how to balance and bike — minus the traumatic falls and scrapes I had.
CARS 2 iPad App Review
The original Disney CARS iPad app is one of my son’s favorites, so we were excited to try the new Disney CARS 2 iPad app. If your kids love the CARS franchise as much as mine does (and I know they do!), you must get them this app. Vroom vroom!
Books Turned into Movies
Last Friday night, as a part of our project with Random House, The Random House Kids Read & Play Summer Learning Community, we were a part of a live chat of which the subject was “Books turned into Movies.” Of course the obvious ones were discussed first: Harry Potter, Twilight, The Cat in the Hat, Marley and Me, Pride & Prejudice, etc., but once we started getting deeper into the conversation, we were amazed at how many movies are based off of really phenomenal books.
Random House Summer Reading Community
This summer, Mamanista is very excited to be teaming up with Blog Frog and Random House to become a part of the Random House Summer Reading Community!
Day Out With Thomas The Train
We are big Thomas the Tank Engine fans in our house. When we originally heard that he would be making an appearance at The Strasburg Railroad, a local historical railroad station and museum, we knew we had to be there.
Dream Big with Paddywhack Lane
I’m excited to announce that Paddywhack Lane’s new picture book “The Costume Trunk” and line of coordinating toys is now available at Barnes & Noble stores nationwide and online at
Educational iPad Apps for Kids from WordWorld
While I am a great believer in “unplugged play” and limited screen-time for young children, I recognize that technology and even television shows can enhance learning. One of my favorite educational television shows is WordWorld, and I recently had a chance to test their new iPad apps for kids.