I’m only in my mid-30s, but I have the beginning signs of arthritis in my foot and ankle. Nearly every woman in my family develops arthritis eventually, so I used to think joint pain and stiffness was inevitable as I aged. I recently discovered that arthritis is the nation’s leading cause of disability. One in […]
Trudie Styler’s Weight Loss Yoga
After having three kids in 5 years my body is far from what it used to be. I was always the fit, under 110 lb girl. Not anymore. Now I have all that excess baby weight that I have been trying like crazy to lose. Diets help minimally as they help me lose weight but not the flab. Most exercise videos don’t keep my attention after a week or two, and the gym…well you try to get me there…good luck.
I have fallen in love with Trudie Styler’s Weight Loss Yoga DVD from Gaiam.
Om! Baby: Yoga for Moms
Motherhood is often stressful. When you’re busy caring for a new baby, exercise is probably the last thing on your mind. Recovering your pre-baby body is tough if you aren’t blessed with either a fast metabolism or the willpower to exercise. Personally…I’ve always hated exercise. While I enjoy hiking or a nice walk outdoors, the […]